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OpenCV en PHP: Detectando caras en imagenes

| Categorías internet, PHP, Programacion, Redes Sociales, Software Libre | | Comentario 0

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Hace unas semanas mi amigo David Tavarez publicó en su Blog un artículo sobre OpenCV, que no es mas que unas librerías bastante interesantes, que permiten identificar un rostro en una imagen.  Estas librerías no solo existen para PHP, sino que también la podemos encontrar en C++, Python, otros.

Les dejo una cita del post:

OpenCV wrapper to detect faces with PHP. The extension offers the two new functions: face_count() and face_detect(). In princible, they differ only by their return value. The first returns only the number of faces found on the given image and the other an associative array of their coordinates. face_count() serves only to save the loops for counting. Examples:
OpenCV in PHP example 1
OpenCV in PHP example 2

Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV). This is a PHP Class to face recognition without OpenCV, it use an data file, but not external libraries. We can use it with few code:

$detector = new Face_Detector('detection.dat');

Example FaceDetection

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